safaris at Poupa
You may watch live deers, wild boars, rabbits, hares, partridges...
The " Photographic Safaris " at Poupa are excellent chances for, all those who like the Nature, to see, and to photograph, in full freedom, deers, wild boars and partridges.
The Farm of Poupa has an area of about 4.400 hectares.
Deer (Cervus elaphus)
The deer is considered the noblest animal. It is an animal that can live for 17 years. The antlers, that is characteristic of the males, falls annually for, in one or two months, to appear again, with more tips and thicker. The number of tips and thickness of the scaffolding goes magnifying, until ten or eleven years of life of the deer, entering later in regression. The deer feeds itself of grass, wild fruits and are eager of salt. At night it wanders for the fields and edges of the forests to the food seek. By the rising of the day it enters again in the bushes, to sleep. In August or September, the female of the deer enters in the rut when it finds prepared to be covered by the male. The dominant males - normally the oldest - choose the females and delimit its zones.
Wild boars at Poupa:
Wild boars (Sus scrofa)
a little of luck also animals with a fierce aspect could be observed - the wild
boars. In the males, we will be able to see the " powerful weapon
" that possess - teeth. With the teeth, they place in respect the worst
enemy it as - the man. The wild boar prefers the very dense zones with thick
weeds or forests. It is, mainly, an animal that likes to walk in the night. By
the end of the day it leaves the " encames " to go to look for food. It
eats everything that appears: plants, flyers, earthworms, rabbits, reptiles,
eggs of birds, roots. In this food seek, it arrives to make trips of some kilometres.
Normally they walk in group. The oldest, and more cautious, never go ahead.
This is the function for the " escudeiros ", young animals, that go to
open path. The
wild boar can live for twenty five years. Just
after the wild boar are born, they look very different of the adult animals.
They are assigned by " listed ", because of the aspect that for
presents it - to the scratches of clear and dark yellowish tones.
All these animals can be observed in our " Photographic Safaris ".
A special way to spend weekends and vacations...